Monday, July 18, 2005

long stoRies.. ^^

heYy!! i juz finished dinner, tink i should update awhile, a few daes never bLog oRedi... ^^ 2dae quite a lot of tinks 2 do, muz write down the ATC de biodata, finish my physics worksheet, do chemistry homework, and get staRted on my english compo.. it's an exposition: Yuppies prefer rearing pets/dogs to having children. Discuss. yuPp, tat's the topic... but it's oKae, i will update everytink in one go... ^^ in case i 4get stuff... heHex.. ^^

2dae's lessoNs quite reLaxed, chemistry, engLish, and then physics all quite oKae, cuz 2dae during physics was practical, and was veRi relaxing, no need 2 think or write alot of tinks.. yuPp.. =D i noe i'm lazy, i can't help it.. heHex, excuses riTe.. =)) let's see, still got wad.. ya, i got my elect geog test 2dae oso, i was quite relieved i passed, cuz i onLi studied one chapter, and we weRe like, supposed to study, tWo? i got 8/15, and mRs jenny tan wrote there, "did you study for your test?" loLx! =D yes mrs tan, i did, juz not totalli, tat's all.. ;)

mrs tan said this test was an easy one, and when i heard tat, it didn't make my mood better, cuz i noe in my heaRt that whole test was about memoriZing down the facts, especially the fiRz question! haiZ! but now crying over spilt miLk now is oso no use de, next time i juZ have to study veri haRd, and make sure i get all the facts imprinted in my mind.. i can't afford to screw up my huManities, it's my onLi other humanities.. my social studies is still oKae, little bit related to history, and i like history, so social studies isn't a probLem yet... weLL, YET! loLx.. =D hmMx, but still cannot let looSe, muz buck up... yuPp.. oKae! enough about studies! let's move on to sometink more light-hearted! =))

assembLy was quite cute 2dae man, the sec 2s put up a raciaL harmony day sKit, and i laughed

like duNo wad, cuz their riot was like slipper-throwing and laughing throughout, but yet you could see their effort, tat was wad made it so cute and hiLarious.. i liked their poLicemen, they had these whistles.. loLx!! aniwae, there was a quiZ aft the whole tink, and jiaqi was giving out the prizes, which were aluminium bottLes, on the 3rd question, everyone sabo heRmaN go up to answer the question.. weLL, you noe their reLationship... loLx.. =D

aft sch... hmMx... i went 2 np room 2 give out the poLice heRitaGe visit forms and get ppl de particuLars for the ATC biodata, handed up the police heritage form to ms woNg, and went off to meDia club, it was in the libraRy instructional 2dae.. cooLing.. =)) the outer part of the library was occupied by a whole lot of sec 4s, in the CompulsoRy RevisioN timesLot, can see all of them studying.. hmMx, striving 4 their dreaMx man.. jiayou...! =D next yeaR this time, we'll be like them. tat's not a good idEa. need to cram. hmMx. loLx.. =))

aniwae @ media club, some of them were doing short stories and poems on a topic 'Seize the Day', it was 4 this creative writing competition organized by singapore polytechnic... there were some sampLe poems and stories, all so cHiM!!! two was from polytechnics, and 1 was from raffLes girLs secoNdary.. it's like all the difficult to pronouNce and chim words, and when u read it out loud, it sounds like, so profouNd! although i noe the standaRd sure veRi high, i still filled in the application form, no haRm trying, rite...? i haven't got anytink 2 loSe.. ^^ the last time i tried for the reaDer diGest 'my stoRy', i got a small-small sometink for being in the top 200 consoLation entries of 1000 plus entries, but it counted as a small milestoNe ba..? i was happie all the same.. =D small doesn't mean insignificant rite..? =))

brings me back to the poLytechnic/jc english project tink tat we'll be needing to pass up soon, i've got all the inFo le, i juz need to get some inspiRation for the desiGn.. will get staRted this saturday den! ^^

2dae duRing CDP lesson, our class used 1/2 hour to brainstoRm stuff 4 anthoNy, n came up with stuff like a viDeo.. loLx.. =D i hope he's oKae now, it muz huRt aLot man, let's all pray 4 the dae he is dischaRged man...!

oKae, basicaLLi i juz listed most of my dae heRe, need 2 shower and do hoMeworK liao, so later can watch meNg zAi sHou Li @ 9pm..! ^^ cYa! =D


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